?Michael Ohayon laid A Suitable Boy, the heavy volume in which he had been immersed for weeks, especially the past two, during his vacation, at the foot of his bed. How was it possible to write a novel like this and at the same time live one's ...... In 1948 verhuisde zij naar Bad Bergzabern. Daar volgde een zeer productieve tijd, waarin zij in rap tempo gedichten, verhalen en romans schreef. In 1994 stelde het land Rheinland-Pfalz de Martha-Saalfeld-Förderpreises in. ...
?Michael Ohayon laid A Suitable Boy, the heavy volume in which he had been immersed for weeks, especially the past two, during his bvacation/b, at the foot of his bed. How was it possible to write a novel like this and at the same time live one's b....../b In 1948 verhuisde zij naar Bad bBergzabern/b. Daar volgde een zeer productieve tijd, waarin zij in rap tempo gedichten, verhalen en romans schreef. In 1994 stelde het land Rheinland-Pfalz de Martha-Saalfeld-Förderpreises in. ...